Indoor Workouts to Beat the Summer Heat

6 Indoor Workouts to Beat the Summer Heat

When the summer heat becomes too intense, working out indoors offers a refreshing alternative to outdoor activities. Not only does it help you stay cool, but it also provides an opportunity to focus on exercises that promote back and spine health. Beat the heat with these indoor workouts while giving your back and spine the attention they deserve.

Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise For Back Pain

The human body is designed to stay in motion, not for long periods of rest – and the same holds true even if you’re suffering from back pain. Remaining active is important for everyone, which is why we prescribe the majority of our patients regular low-impact aerobic exercise for back pain.

Aerobic exercise helps keep the body healthy by increasing your heart rate and improving circulation.

Walking For Exercise And Spine Health

With the weather warming up, we know you’re itching to take a walk around the block and soak up some sunshine. Walking is a great form of low impact aerobic exercise for people of all fitness levels. It provides all of the benefits other forms of aerobic activity provide without the added stress on your joints.

3 Tips For A Safe Winter Workout

Exercise is a wonderful thing. It helps keep your entire body healthy, including your spine. If you’re like a lot of our patients, the cold weather can discourage you from sticking to your normal workout routine. We have some motivation to get you moving and a few tips to ensure you have a safe winter workout.

Gardening With Back Pain

With gardening season in full swing, it’s the perfect time to share a few tips to help prevent back pain. Gardening can be great exercise, meaning it might actually help prevent or alleviate back pain when done correctly. 

Benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Helps reduce the frequency or severity of flare-ups in your pain
  • Keeps the spine both functional and mobile
  • Burns calories to help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Produces endorphins (nature’s painkillers) to elevate your mood and fight depression

Keep reading for several tips on gardening with back pain.