How to Recognize the Signs of a Herniated Disc

How to Recognize the Signs of a Herniated Disc

You often hear words associated with a herniated disc like “pinched nerve”, “ruptured disc” or “bulging disc”, but they are essentially talking about the same thing. Spinal discs are the small cushions between the individual bones, or vertebrae, that collectively make your spine. When a disc is herniated, it means that the soft middle part has pushed its way through a crack in the tougher outer area of the disc.

Three Ways to Maintain a Healthy Back on the Road

2020 has been a weird year, especially for travel. With COVID-19, many Americans have found their daily lives significantly impacted. After being cooped up at home, many are opting to take road trips this summer since air travel is riskier. According to the Expedia 2020 Summer Travel Report, about 85% of Americans plan to take a road trip this summer.

Treating Spinal Tumors

It’s estimated that 10,000 Americans develop primary or metastatic spinal cord tumors each year. Treating spinal tumors can vary based on the type of tumor and symptoms experienced. A spinal tumor is defined as a growth that develops inside the spinal canal or inside the bones of the spine. These tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous and are primarily one of two types,

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Back pain, it’s our specialty here at Nebraska Spine Hospital. Recently we’ve talked about the not-so-common causes of upper back pain so today let’s talk a little bit about something most of you have probably experienced, lower back pain. Research suggests that over 80% of adults will experience one or more episode of back pain in their lifetime.