What are common causes of back pain? There are numerous causes for back pain ranging from muscle strain, trauma, arthritis, disc herniation, muscle spasm, facet joint pain, and cumulative effect of poor body mechanics. How do disc injuries cause back pain? When the disc bulges or herniates into the spinal canal, the nerves in that [...]

Back Pain: The Basics

The back and spine are designed to provide your body with strength, serve to protect the spinal cord and nerve roots while still being flexible, providing mobility. But, did you know 8 out of 10 adults will experience an episode of back pain in their lifetime? It is the second most common cause of missed workdays and the most common cause of disability;

Procedures and Conditions

Surgery Spinal Fusion Cervical Disk Replacement Motion Preservation Fracture Repair Tumor Surgery Surgery Whether the need for spine surgery is the result of a congenital condition, ongoing deterioration or other condition, the necessary surgical procedures you require are offered through the Nebraska Spine Hospital. This may require the removal of all or part of a [...]

Brian Lindaas

…Dr. Gill did an amazing job explaining everything to me and the nurses were excellent… I had a herniated disc that was pushing on my nerves in my lower back causing extreme pain in my hip and leg constantly every day for a very long time as well as going all the way down to my foot sometimes.

Obesity and Back Pain

The Link Between Obesity and Back Pain

Obesity is a growing concern in the United States, and its impact extends beyond just the number on the scale. Aside from increasing the risk of chronic diseases, carrying excess weight can take a toll on your spine and lead to various back-related issues. 

The Link Between Obesity and Back Pain

The Alarming Connection Between Obesity and Back Pain

Obesity is associated with an array of health problems,

quiz: test your spine knowledge

Quiz: Test Your Spine Knowledge

There is so much misinformation circulating about spine health and back pain that we decided to create a spine health quiz. Try to guess whether the statements below are true or false before continuing to read for the answer.