How to Walk in a Winter Wonderland


How-to Walk in a Winter Wonderland

Winter has finally arrived in Nebraska, making its debut at Christmas this year! And while it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be the most dangerous. If you have to be out and about in inclement weather, take heed of some of these safety precautions to help you reduce your risk of falling this winter.


Reduce Your Fall Risk

One of the biggest ways you can reduce your winter fall risk is by taking your time. Slow down and give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to be. This is especially true for those of you that rush to your car or into the house, those things are still going to be there if you take an extra couple minutes to ensure your safety. If you just can’t slow down, maybe you should invest in ice traction devices that slip right onto your shoes. Actually, a lot of workplaces require their employees to wear such footwear while walking to and from work in order to prevent nasty slips and falls and inevitably, liability. But, because they do so, they generally provide you with the ice traction slip ons. If you work for one of these employers take advantage of it! If not, you can buy some here.


Another way to minimize fall risk this winter is by using sand, salt or other ice melting aids. Take a look at this ice-melt comparison chart that tells you the effective temperature, how much it costs, what it’s best for, the benefits and precautions. Make sure you keep these materials close to your house, you don’t want to have to trek a half mile just to retrieve them (and risk falling while doing so). Also, if you can, salt before the snow and ice.


Have you ever stopped to think about how you walk? Sounds silly, we know, but a major player in reducing your fall risk is how you’re walking. You should take smaller strides, shorter steps, and try not to carry too much weight when walking on icy surfaces; having both hands free can really help with your balance. Take a look at this infographic on the proper way to walk on ice.

How to Walk on ice

And finally, wear proper footwear! It’s as simple as that. Like we mentioned above, ice traction slip ons are great. Ladies, heels might not be appropriate in certain conditions.


What to do if You Fall

Let’s face it, accidents happen. Keep your cell phone handy in situations wherein you might find yourself seriously injured so you can call for help. If you do fall and your hands are free, use them to protect your head. Wrist and hand injuries are painful, but it beats a head injury.

If you find yourself in situation where you have injured your back or spine, always, the hope is that conservative treatments will be effective and the healing process will be quick and your quality of life will return soon. However, when surgery is indicated, Nebraska Spine Hospital is here to provide you the very best in spine surgery.

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