Person sleeping

World Sleep Day and The Importance of Quality Sleep for Spine Health

As the world gears up to celebrate World Sleep Day on March 15th, it’s crucial to recognize the integral role that quality sleep plays in maintaining overall health, including spine health. At Nebraska Spine Hospital, we understand the profound impact that sleep has on spine wellness, and we are committed to raising awareness about this vital connection.

Revolutionary Lumbar Total Disc Replacement Procedure

No one should have to continue suffering from chronic back pain and reduced mobility due to a damaged lumbar disc. Nebraska Spine Hospital offers a groundbreaking solution with its years of experience in Lumbar Total Disc Replacement. This innovative procedure is designed to restore your quality of life by addressing the root cause of your discomfort.

Understanding Discectomy (Microdiscectomy) for Spinal Health

A discectomy, specifically microdiscectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at relieving the pain caused by a herniated disc pressing on a nerve root or spinal cord. This innovative treatment is crucial in addressing discomfort and limited mobility resulting from this common spinal condition. Nebraska Spine Hospital is at the forefront of providing expert care for individuals in need of this specialized procedure.

Cervical Disc Replacement

Living with chronic neck or arm pain can greatly impact one’s quality of life, making even the simplest tasks seem unbearable. While conservative spine care treatments offer relief for many, some individuals may find that their pain persists despite these measures. This is where cervical disc replacement becomes a viable option. 

Cervical Disc Replacement

Cervical disc replacement is a surgical procedure recommended for individuals who have exhausted other conservative treatment options without finding relief from their pain.