Category: Spine Education

Tips To Relieve Nighttime Back Pain

Nighttime back pain is a type of lower back pain that affects a small percentage of people. Nighttime back pain, or nocturnal back pain, occurs when lower back pain doesn’t. . .

Treating Mild Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. The type of scoliosis the general public is most familiar with is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. It is. . .

Vertebral Compression Fracture

When the spine becomes compressed due to trauma or a degenerative condition, vertebral compression fractures can occur.  According to Spine-Health, “A compression fracture is usually defined as a vertebral bone. . .

Office Chair Advice

Many of you are probably reading this from an office chair. If you’re currently leaning forward in your chair, we have bad news for you – that’s bad for your. . .

Herniated Disc: What Is It And What Causes It?

There are more than 3 million cases of herniated discs every year. To say the least, it’s a very common spinal condition. If you haven’t heard of a herniated disc,. . .

Cold Weather And Sciatica

Sciatica is an incredibly common condition. According to Spine-Health, between 10-40% of the population will experience sciatica at some point in their life.  Many people we talk to with sciatica. . .

Preventing Osteoporosis With Lifestyle Changes

Osteoporosis is incredibly common with an estimated 10 million Americans living with the condition. Osteoporosis is a condition marked by low bone mass, which often leads to the weakening of. . .

All About Spinal Stenosis

Have you ever heard of spinal stenosis? If not, it’s about time you learned the basics of this common spine condition that affects an estimated 8-11% of the population. Since. . .

The Four Types Of Scoliosis

Nebraska Spine Hospital is proud to support National Scoliosis Awareness Month. June is used to supply information about scoliosis to the public, while highlighting the growing need for education, early. . .

Women: Increased Risk Of Osteoporosis

Last week, we covered who has an increased risk of osteoporosis along with the basics of the condition. As a refresher, osteoporosis is a condition marked by low bone mass.. . .

Help Shape the Future of Patient Care!

Nebraska Spine Hospital is forming a Patient & Family Advisory Council, and we want your voice to be heard! Whether you’re a past patient, a family member, or a community member who cares about improving healthcare, this is your chance to make a difference.