All About Spine Fusion Surgery

Spine fusion surgery is when a surgeon fuses two or more vertebrae together using a bone graft. The bone tissue will continue to grow and permanently lock the vertebrae together. A spine fusion limits movement of the spine, which may help to relieve back pain. And while the spine may not be as flexible as it was prior to the surgery,

Bone Grafts in Spine Surgery

Frequently asked questions about bone grafting

How big is the incision for a bone graft taken from my hip?

The incision for a bone graft can vary but is generally 1½ – 2 inches long.

Are there any alternatives to having a bone graft taken from my hip?

The alternatives to using a bone graft from the patient’s hip are to use local bone,

Recovery From Spine Surgery: Preparing Your Home

We’ve often found that recovery from spine surgery is the last thing on our patients’ minds, especially any preparations that will have to be made at home. Because of that, we try to bring it to their attention during pre-operative visits by asking questions. We’ll ask about the setup of their home. Is it a one-story or two-story home?

The Basics Of Cervical Spine Surgery

Cervical spine surgery is most often performed to treat spinal instability and/or spinal cord impingement and is reserved for patients whose symptoms are beyond treatment by physical therapy and medication.

The cervical spine is comprised of the seven vertebrae in your neck and their accompanying discs. The spinal discs provide cushion between the vertebrae,

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally invasive spine surgery is a great option for many patients. As opposed to open spine surgery, it can be faster, safer, and require less time for recovery. This type of surgery also limits the size of the incision and utilizes a microscopic video camera to gain access to the patient’s spine.

While minimally invasive spine surgery has been around since the 1980s,