Healthy Weight, Healthier Spine

Did you know that on average, an obese person in the US spends $1,429 more annually on medical bills? This may be in part due to the fact that obesity puts you at a much higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes, among other things.

Unfortunately, obesity rates in the US keep rising.

Back Pain Facts And Fiction

Since opening in 2010, we’ve had many patients come to us with little to no knowledge about back pain. With an astounding 80% of adults likely to experience back pain at some point in their lives, we’d like to change that and help educate people on back pain facts and fiction.

Want to test your back pain knowledge?

Glossary of Spinal Terms

Spine Class Glossary of Spinal Terms Patient Bill of Rights Patient Responsibilities Pastoral Services Billing and Insurance Glossary of Spinal Terms A list of common terms that you may hear during the diagnosis and treatment of your back pain. Always ask your nurse or doctor to explain any term you do not understand. A list [...]

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Back pain, it’s our specialty here at Nebraska Spine Hospital. Recently we’ve talked about the not-so-common causes of upper back pain so today let’s talk a little bit about something most of you have probably experienced, lower back pain. Research suggests that over 80% of adults will experience one or more episode of back pain in their lifetime.

Back Pain: The Basics

The back and spine are designed to provide your body with strength, serve to protect the spinal cord and nerve roots while still being flexible, providing mobility. But, did you know 8 out of 10 adults will experience an episode of back pain in their lifetime? It is the second most common cause of missed workdays and the most common cause of disability;