Patient Responsibilities

Your Responsibilities as a Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC Patient

Treating Others with Respect

Approach your doctors, care team, other patients, and visitors with dignity and respect.

Respecting Rights

Honor the rights of fellow patients and their caregivers.

Adhering to Guidelines

Follow Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC’s rules and guidelines during your stay.

Providing Accurate Information

Share complete and accurate information about your health, both current and past.

Engaging in Your Care

Actively participate in setting goals for your care and making decisions about your treatment.

Seeking Clarification

Ask questions whenever you do not understand any aspect of your medical care.

Collaborating with Your Healthcare Team

Work together with your healthcare team to achieve your care goals and follow through on decisions made.

Reporting Health Changes

Inform your healthcare team about any changes in your condition.

Taking Responsibility

Acknowledge the outcomes that may arise from refusing treatment or not adhering to your healthcare team’s instructions.

Providing Advance Directives

Submit a copy of your current Advance Directives forms to Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC.

Bringing Necessary Documentation

Ensure you bring your current insurance, Medicare, Medicaid information, or identification card to your visits.

Completing Precertifications

Verify with your insurance plan ahead of time and complete any necessary precertification requirements.

Managing Financial Obligations

Attend to financial responsibilities for your care promptly. If you need assistance, inquire about our Financial Counselors and Financial Assistance Program.

Expressing Concerns

Share any concerns regarding your safety and comfort with us.

Providing Feedback

Let us know if you are not satisfied with your care.

Resources Available to Voice Your Concern

Our physicians, care providers, staff, and volunteers are committed to providing an excellent care experience to everyone we serve. We welcome your comments and want to be sure we are meeting your needs and expectations.

We do understand, however, that there may be times when you feel your visit did not meet your needs or expectations. When this happens, we recognize your right to express or voice your concerns about your care. We invite you to first voice any concerns with us at the phone numbers provided below. You can be sure that your care will not be affected in a negative way.

Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC Resources

To express or voice your concerns with Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC, you may contact the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Nursing Executive at (402) 572-3000.

If you have concerns about your privacy rights, you may contact:
Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC
6901 North 72nd Street, Suite 20300
Omaha, NE 68122

Outside Resources

While we hope you are satisfied with our response to your concern, you may have concerns that you would like to voice to someone outside of Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC. If so, you may contact the following without fear of reprisal from Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC:

For unresolved concerns about general care, safety, and quality:

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Facilities Investigations
PO Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-0316

Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals Health Facilities Division/Complaint Unit
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0083

For Nebraska Spine Hospital LLC accredited by The Joint Commission, unresolved concerns about safety or quality may be reported to:

The Joint Commission
Office of Quality Monitoring
(800) 994-6610 (toll-free)

For Unresolved Concerns About Your Privacy

Office for Civil Rights US Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
(800) 368-1019 (toll-free)

For Medicare Concerns

Medicare hotline at (800) 633-4227 and/or
Medicare beneficiaries: *(Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman) at

*The role of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman is to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries receive the information and help they need to understand their Medicare options and to apply their Medicare rights and protections.