Causes of Leg Numbness
In the following video Dr. Gill discusses some possible causes of leg numbness, including spondylosis and spondylothesis.
February 26, 2015 | Patient Education, Spine Conditions, Videos |
In the following video Dr. Gill discusses some possible causes of leg numbness, including spondylosis and spondylothesis.
November 12, 2014 | Awards and Recognitions, Doctors, Staff |
Nebraska Spine Hospital has been named to the “100 Hospitals With Great Neurosurgery and Spine Programs” list by Becker’s Hospital Review.
Nebraska Spine Hospital is featured on this list because of the national recognition the hospital has received from several reputable sources and because the physicians and clinicians at Nebraska Spine Hospital are skilled at providing the highest level of surgical spine care.
Nebraska Spine Hospital’s very own Dr. Eric Phillips has issued the Ice Bucket Challenge to his partners to raise awareness and funds for ALS. Dr. Phillips is committed to raising awareness and funds to defeat ALS because he wants to honor the memory his brother who died of the disease.
July 29, 2014 | Doctors, Patient Education, Spine Conditions |
Minimally invasive spine surgery was first performed in the 1980s, but has recently seen rapid advances in technology that have enabled spine surgeons to expand patient selection and treat an increasing number of spinal disorders, such as degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, fractures, tumors, infections, instability, and deformity.
Dr. Gill is the first spine surgeon to be featured in our new video series featuring our board certified and fellowship trained spine surgeons.