Strengthen Your Back In Three Moves

Woman doing partial crunches on yoga mat Strengthen Your Back in Three Moves

We’ve noticed a trend in all of our most recent blogs; we keep urging you to remain active and add some workouts to your daily routine. While that’s easy for us to say, sometimes it’s hard for those of you suffering from back pain to know which exercises are safe for you to perform. Obviously, […]

Resolve To Improve Your Spine Health

Welcome to 2022! Now that we’re in the new year, it’s time to make a resolution. But before you decide on what your resolution will be, we want you to consider one thing – your spine health. Why not resolve to improve your spine health in 2022? In order to accomplish a goal or resolution, […]

Neck Pain From Looking Down

Neck pain is a very common type of chronic pain. According to, “In the course of 3 months, about 15% of U.S. adults have neck pain that lasts at least one full day.” One of the most common causes of neck pain is simply looking down too often. We know that might sound absurd […]

What To Expect Before Spine Surgery

Since many of our patients have never undergone spine surgery, we try to always communicate what to expect before spine surgery. Keep reading to discover what happens before your spine surgery at Nebraska Spine Hospital. Please note: Due to the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following information may not be up-to-date. Please call […]

Resolve To Maintain A Healthy Spine

Welcome to 2020! Who’s determined to make this their best year yet? We know we are! To kick off the year with a bang, we decided to provide you with some reasonable resolutions to make if you’re suffering from back or neck pain. Resolutions can be difficult to maintain throughout the year, but we believe […]

Excellence In Spine Patient Care

At Nebraska Spine Hospital, we focus on various factors to ensure we are providing the very best in spine patient care. The majority of our patients are extremely satisfied with the care they received and we intend to keep it that way. We perform an average of 1,000 surgeries each year and our overall patient […]

Should I See A Doctor For My Back Pain?

Back pain is an incredibly common problem – over 80% of adults will experience it at some point in their life. With it being so prevalent, many people do not know when their back pain warrants a trip to their doctor. In fact, many people ask us, ‘Should I see a doctor for my back […]

Patient Care At Nebraska Spine Hospital

Here at Nebraska Spine Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing our patients with the best care possible. By focusing on the individual, not the condition, we strive to meet the needs of every patient. We want to make sure you feel heard by every staff member, from doctors and nurses to support staff.[bctt tweet=”By focusing […]

Nebraska Spine Hospital Gets Great Reviews

It is easy to talk about all of the things that make Nebraska Spine Hospital the best choice for spine surgery in the region. For example, the spine only specialization of the hospital and its staff, the expertise of our surgeons, and the awards and recognition we have earned. The most important praise we receive […]

Help Shape the Future of Patient Care!

Nebraska Spine Hospital is forming a Patient & Family Advisory Council, and we want your voice to be heard! Whether you’re a past patient, a family member, or a community member who cares about improving healthcare, this is your chance to make a difference.