Healthy Weight, Healthier Spine

Did you know that on average, an obese person in the US spends $1,429 more annually on medical bills? This may be in part due to the fact that obesity puts you at a much higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes, among other things. Unfortunately, obesity rates in the US keep […]

Resolve To Maintain A Healthy Spine

Welcome to 2020! Who’s determined to make this their best year yet? We know we are! To kick off the year with a bang, we decided to provide you with some reasonable resolutions to make if you’re suffering from back or neck pain. Resolutions can be difficult to maintain throughout the year, but we believe […]

Help Shape the Future of Patient Care!

Nebraska Spine Hospital is forming a Patient & Family Advisory Council, and we want your voice to be heard! Whether you’re a past patient, a family member, or a community member who cares about improving healthcare, this is your chance to make a difference.