Category: Prevention

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Tips for Keeping Your Spine Safe While Golfing

Golf is a beloved pastime that offers relaxation and exercise, but it's important to be mindful of your spine health while golfing. At Nebraska Spine Hospital, we understand the significance. . .
person with mobility

How to Get That Spring in Your Step by Maintaining Mobility

Get that spring back in your step and keep your back and spine healthy! We've got you covered with these tips. It's essential to prioritize your back and spine health. . .
Person sleeping

World Sleep Day and The Importance of Quality Sleep for Spine Health

As the world gears up to celebrate World Sleep Day on March 15th, it's crucial to recognize the integral role that quality sleep plays in maintaining overall health, including spine. . .
women walking

The Benefits of Walking for Back and Spine Health

Spring is coming, and we are so lucky to have some beautiful walking trails and parks in Omaha. When it comes to maintaining a healthy back and spine, the solution. . .
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5 Ways to Show Your Spine Some Love this Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is synonymous with love, chocolates, and heartfelt cards, but amidst the romantic gestures, it's an excellent opportunity to focus on self-love and personal health. This year, why not. . .

Laminectomy & Relieving Leg Pain

Among the many conditions that cause discomfort, leg pain originating from pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerve is particularly debilitating. Fortunately, Nebraska Spine Hospital offers a solution called. . .
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Innovative Spine Care for Motion Preservation

Restoring movement and alleviating pain are two primary goals for individuals considering spine and neck surgery. At Nebraska Spine Hospital, patients have access to advanced procedures and devices, as the. . .

Stay Active and Safe: Winter Exercises for a Healthy Spine

As the winter season sets in, it’s easy to succumb to the temptation of snuggling up indoors and letting our fitness routines hibernate until spring. However, maintaining an active lifestyle. . .

Back Safety Tips for Decorating Your House During the Holidays

The holiday season brings joy, cheer, and a chance to transform our homes into magical wonderlands. From putting up twinkling lights to adorning the Christmas tree, decorating your house is. . .

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The Connection Between Back Pain, Anxiety, and Depression

At Nebraska Spine Hospital, we recognize the importance of addressing not only the physical aspects but also the emotional well-being of our patients. Back pain is a common condition that. . .

Help Shape the Future of Patient Care!

Nebraska Spine Hospital is forming a Patient & Family Advisory Council, and we want your voice to be heard! Whether you’re a past patient, a family member, or a community member who cares about improving healthcare, this is your chance to make a difference.