All About Cervical Disc Replacement

Nebraska Spine Hospital was one of the first facilities in the region to perform a cervical disc replacement. Because of that, we would like to take a moment to explain what it is and why it may need to be performed. Disc degeneration in the cervical spine is a terribly common ailment. Did you know that over 75% of people under the age of 50 have disc degeneration?

Sciatica: Know The Facts

Millions of people in the United States suffer from sciatica. Sciatica is a term used to describe the symptoms of leg pain, tingling, and numbness or weakness originating in the lower back to the sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.

What surprises most of our patients is that sciatica is not a medical diagnosis,

9 Years of Nebraska Spine Hospital

We’re celebrating our nine year anniversary this month at Nebraska Spine Hospital. As many of you may know, the hospital was founded in 2010 by an incredible team of surgeons.

Every aspect of the hospital was carefully designed to focus exclusively on the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of patients with conditions of the spine.

What is Spondylosis?

Spondylosis is a very common spinal condition with more than 3 million cases diagnosed each year. Since this condition often worsens with age, more than 85% of people over the age of 60 are affected.

According to, “Spondylosis is not a medical diagnosis; it is a term that describes symptoms related to degenerative changes in the spine.” – 

Smoking And Back Pain

The news that smoking is bad for you is hardly groundbreaking. Smoking has been linked to serious diseases like lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. Did you know that smoking and back pain are also related? That’s right, if you’re a smoker and are experiencing back pain, smoking is probably part of the issue. Research has found that smoking may be associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis,

Degenerative Scoliosis 101

While the most common type of scoliosis occurs in adolescents, the risk of scoliosis doesn’t completely go away. Degenerative scoliosis occurs when there is significant degeneration of the facet joints and intervertebral discs in your spine. This degeneration happens over time and can begin as young as 40 but is most common in adults 65 and older.

All About Scoliosis

June is all about being outdoors, summer fun, and scoliosis. Yes, you read that correctly. Did you know that June is Scoliosis Awareness Month?

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. It can affect both children and adults, but occurs most frequently in children during their last growth spurt before puberty.

Stiff Neck Causes And Treatment

It’s safe to say that a large majority of people will likely experience a stiff neck in their lifetime, which is why we’d like to take a moment to discuss stiff neck causes and treatment options.

A stiff neck is typically identified by soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when the person tries to turn their head to the side.

Specialized Nursing At Nebraska Spine Hospital

Every year, we have the pleasure of celebrating our specialized nursing staff on National Nurses Day. This year, that day falls on Monday, May 6. Over the years, we have received countless comments from patients and their families about the exceptional quality of our nursing staff.

Here at Nebraska Spine Hospital, we have a specialized nursing staff,

Treating Spinal Tumors

It’s estimated that 10,000 Americans develop primary or metastatic spinal cord tumors each year. Treating spinal tumors can vary based on the type of tumor and symptoms experienced. A spinal tumor is defined as a growth that develops inside the spinal canal or inside the bones of the spine. These tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous and are primarily one of two types,