Stretching For Back Pain Relief

A daily stretching regimen can be beneficial for nearly everyone. Stretching helps to keep your muscles flexible and strong, and ultimately allows them to maintain a full range of motion. Healthy muscles are able to better support your spine and help minimize the risk of back injury.

If you’re currently experiencing back pain,

Good Posture: Easy As 123

Throughout your life, you have probably been taught that good posture is essential to your health. How many times have you had someone tell you to stand or sit up straight? Probably too many to count.

Good posture has many benefits to your overall health. It can help relieve, or even prevent, neck and back pain.

Back Pain Awareness

September is Pain Awareness Month. Did you know that nearly 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives? Or that lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide? Considering its prevalence, it’s time we start raising back pain awareness.

Who experiences it?

Back pain is experienced by many different types of people,

10 Years of Patient Care at Nebraska Spine Hospital

Did you know? Nebraska Spine Hospital is celebrating its 10th birthday this year! August 16, 2020 is exactly 10 years since the first surgery at Nebraska Spine Hospital. Since we’re unable to have an in-person celebration, we decided that sharing what our staff and patients have to say about Nebraska Spine Hospital is the next best way to celebrate.

What is an ALIF Procedure?

ALIF stands for anterior lumbar interbody fusion. The ALIF procedure is one of several different methods of spinal fusion. During spinal fusion surgery, a surgeon fuses two or more vertebrae together using a bone graft. The bone tissue of these vertebrae will continue to grow and permanently lock together. Spinal fusion limits the movement of the spine,

Fascinating Facts About Your Spine

While the human body as a whole is fascinating, have you ever thought of how amazing your spine is? It supports your body weight, provides flexibility, and protects your spinal cord.

Our Vertebrae

When we’re born, our spines consist of 33 individual vertebrae. As we age, some of those vertebrae begin to fuse together.

Gardening With Back Pain

With gardening season in full swing, it’s the perfect time to share a few tips to help prevent back pain. Gardening can be great exercise, meaning it might actually help prevent or alleviate back pain when done correctly. 

Benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Helps reduce the frequency or severity of flare-ups in your pain
  • Keeps the spine both functional and mobile
  • Burns calories to help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Produces endorphins (nature’s painkillers) to elevate your mood and fight depression

Keep reading for several tips on gardening with back pain.