5 Ways to Show Your Spine Some Love this Valentine’s Day

graphic with woman holding heart

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with love, chocolates, and heartfelt cards, but amidst the romantic gestures, it’s an excellent opportunity to focus on self-love and personal health. This year, why not extend that loving care to your spine – the pillar of your body’s structure?

Avoid Holiday Back Pain

Avoid Holiday Back Pain

The holidays are upon us. It’s time to welcome cozy nights filled with friends, family, and plenty of joy. What everyone is hoping not to welcome is holiday back pain. When you think about it, the holidays are a prime time for people to experience back pain. The holidays knock most people out of their […]

Pregnancy Back Pain

Pregnancy back pain is incredibly common – half of all pregnancies are complicated by back pain. Of those, 10% of pregnancies are complicated by back pain so severe that it interferes with the ability to complete daily activities. It’s a well-known fact that the body goes through many changes during pregnancy, but back pain should […]

Office Spine Health 101: Office Stretches

One of the easiest ways to prevent back pain is to get up and move every hour. Set a reminder on your phone or computer and walk around the office or stretch at least once an hour. You can even try to implement one of the following office stretches and exercises. You Might Also Like: […]

Office Spine Health 101: Correct Office Chair Posture

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is an all too common occurrence. Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability in people 45 years old and younger, and more than 25% of the working population is affected by lower back pain each year. With all of the advancements in technology over the past few […]

Office Spine Health 101: Creating A Healthy Workspace

Did you know that leaning forward just 30 degrees puts 3 to 4 times more strain on your back? Over time, that added stress can cause unnecessary wear on your spine’s ligaments and discs. Keep reading to learn more about creating a healthy workspace with the right office chair and computer setup. Office Chair There […]

Eat To Fight Back Pain

You are what you eat. We’re sure nearly everyone has heard that phrase at least once in their lifetime. That old saying definitely has some truth to it, the foods you choose to consume throughout your life do determine your body’s ability to repair itself. Keep reading to learn how proper nutrition, or lack thereof, […]

Resolve To Improve Your Spine Health

Welcome to 2022! Now that we’re in the new year, it’s time to make a resolution. But before you decide on what your resolution will be, we want you to consider one thing – your spine health. Why not resolve to improve your spine health in 2022? In order to accomplish a goal or resolution, […]

Preventing Winter Injuries

Winter is the season for injuries. Between the slick sidewalks and snow to be shoveled, it’s important to take precautions to help with preventing winter injuries. We urge that everyone consider the following tips. The elderly and those experiencing back pain are certainly more likely to sustain a winter injury, but it’s important information for […]

Help Shape the Future of Patient Care!

Nebraska Spine Hospital is forming a Patient & Family Advisory Council, and we want your voice to be heard! Whether you’re a past patient, a family member, or a community member who cares about improving healthcare, this is your chance to make a difference.