Love Your Spine

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we think it’s only fitting to talk about how to love your spine. We know it sounds strange, but showing your spine a little love in a few small ways can have a big impact on your spine health.

So, this Valentine’s Day we encourage you to love yourself by implementing just one of these small changes.

Should I See A Doctor For My Back Pain?

Back pain is an incredibly common problem – over 80% of adults will experience it at some point in their life. With it being so prevalent, many people do not know when their back pain warrants a trip to their doctor. In fact, many people ask us, ‘Should I see a doctor for my back pain?’


Spine Crossword Puzzle

In the spirit of Crossword Puzzle Day, we created a spine crossword puzzle with the terminology we use every day. Not only is it a fun activity that can help pass the time in a waiting room and sharpen your memory, it can also help if you or a loved one is experiencing back pain.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally invasive spine surgery is a great option for many patients. As opposed to open spine surgery, it can be faster, safer, and require less time for recovery. This type of surgery also limits the size of the incision and utilizes a microscopic video camera to gain access to the patient’s spine.

While minimally invasive spine surgery has been around since the 1980s,

Patient Care At Nebraska Spine Hospital

Here at Nebraska Spine Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing our patients with the best care possible. By focusing on the individual, not the condition, we strive to meet the needs of every patient. We want to make sure you feel heard by every staff member, from doctors and nurses to support staff.

To give potential patients a better understanding of what it’s like to receive care at Nebraska Spine Hospital,

Back Pain: A Health Concern For Nurses

If you had to guess, which profession would you say suffers more back injuries, nursing or construction? If you guessed nursing, you’re correct. Nurses with back pain are an all too common occurrence.

Did you know that nurses are three times more likely to suffer a back injury than a construction worker? In fact,

Depression and Chronic Back Pain

April 8th is World Health Day and this year’s focus is depression. Depression affects a great deal of the patients we see so we wanted to take the time to talk about depression and chronic back pain.

What is depression?

Depression is a common, serious medical illness. In 2015,

Narcotic Pain Medications and Chronic Pain

What if we were to tell you that narcotic pain medications like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine can actually worsen your chronic pain? Not that great of news, huh?

Studies have found that to be the case.

“A brief treatment with a pain killer, like morphine, doubled the duration of chronic pain.”

Let’s talk about the things we knew about narcotic pain medication prior to this finding.

Surgical Readiness for Back Surgery with the CHI Back and Spine Institute

This video explores how patients might be instructed to prepare for a back or spine surgery. Whether they need to lose weight, stop smoking or increase strength, Nebraska Spine Hospital’s Surgical Readiness Program can help get them where they need to be for a successful surgery and recovery.


Angela Mahood has been in pain for a long time.